History file for SwimTime V2.4.10.1 2024-10-29 Lenex import: If there is no team name available, but a relay team number the club name and the relay team number will be used V2.4.8.1 2024-08-22 On false start, the video wall was cleard and no more names were displayed. Fixed. V2.4.4.1 2024-04-08 With the setting "End Heat automatic" it could happen that the result was printed twice. Solved V2.4.3.1 2024-03-11 With the "End Heat automatic" setting, the system now waits for probably delayed manual button times V2.3.10.1 2023-10-04 Lenex Import: If there is no relay name, the club name will be used. Display of relays: If no Nation is used, the last name will be shown. V2.3.7.2 2023-07-31 With the Lenex import, the relay teams were created new with each import. Fixed. Relays without team members were not assigned. Changed. V2.3.7.1 2023-07-18 Display mistake at single sided relay events solved. Registry Key added for result printout on protocol printer after End heat Linefeed at protocol printer fixed. V2.3.3.5 2023-03-31 Splash-Import: Additional check on daytime import has wrong daytime format V2.3.3.4 2023-03-08 Splash datatranfer: Only Lenex ID's <> 0 are processed V2.3.3.3 2023-03-08 Debug removed V2.3.3.2 2023-03-05 TIMETRIAL support improved 2. Program start prevented V2.3.3.1 2023-03-03 Added Round TIMETRIAL from Lenex Standard. A new database must be created to support this. V2.3.1.1 2023-01-18 The automatic transmission of the times to Splash when switching to next heat did not work. Fixed. V2.2.11.1 2022-11-04 Detach time at freestyle-relay-events where not shown. Solved. V2.2.8.1 2022-08-19 Hytek Scoreboard file could not be changed. Solved. V2.2.7.1 2022-07-23 At relay event: if the same team is on 2 lanes this could rise an error on update. Solved. V2.2.6.1 2022-06-02 At relay events it could happen that the wrong relay detach time was sent to splash. Solved. "Add share" removed. V2.2.5.1 2022-05-19 Distance 1650m added, Max distance 25km; Limit with 400 touches. V2.1.11.2 2021-11-24 Some display errors fixed for Windows 11 V2.1.11.1 2021-11-18 Relay events: Disabling of lane does now clear the team "Rank oriented when heat is finished" swiches now also the nummeric display board to rank oriented V2.1.10.1 2021-10-06 Broadcast for Network display improved V2.1.4.1 2021-04-15 Layout switching on end race did not work always correctly V2.1.3.1 2021-03-19 Interface for TM SWim improved V2.1.2.2 2021-02-15 New shortcut +<+> or +<-> for last/first heat of this event V2.1.2.1 2021-02-05 New shortcut + or + for next/previous event New shortcut + or + for first/last event Splash: Double writing of results could confuse splash. solved. V2.1.1.1 2021-01-14 Bugfix for wrong Splash Data V2.0.12.1 2020-12-30 Network display: Support for Class A (10.x.x.x) and B (128.0.x.x) Networks V2.0.11.1 2020-11-30 Exception-Error solved in display board control on status change Exception Handling improved V2.0.9.1 2020-09-03 Hy-Tek Import: Better Import of heat numbers: Export file names are correct now Nicer naming of heat at (semi-) finals V2.0.8.1 2020-08-21 New tool for serial interface crash solved when EndHeatAutmatic and JumpNextHeatAutmatic were activated some small improvements Hytek Export improved V2.0.3.1 2020-03-17 Network Display: Delay of lane oriented Layout can be configured via Registry Network Display: Output of reclined distance of the swimmers V2.0.2.1 2020-02-05 Lenex import: Team name was wrong imported. fixed V1.9.10.1 2019-10-21 Lenex import: sex of athletes is now also imported Rank-oriented: Display of state on Network display Network display: If a lane is deactivated, no competitor info will be displayed. New registry key to create new lanes activated or deactivated. V1.9.9.1 5.9.2019 Lenex Nations changed: Singapur; Lebanon V1.9.8.1 27.8.2019 If lane oriented and rank oriented at the end: If false start happens, Names were displayed correctly. If lane oriented and rank oriented at the end: Show of result Possibility to show start list V1.9.4.1 2019-04-06 Timy support improved No splash exchange if disabled Workaround for "FirstName" error (on Hy-Tek exchange) V1.9.3.2 2019-03-17 False start detection on external start did not work. Solved Debug improved V1.9.3.1 2019-03-06 Edit starttimes did not work the firs time. Solved Debug info improved Text improved Splash: "Ask for names" only if enabled Splash import: Crash on wrong date in Birthday solved Result showed "only first 3" solved V1.9.2.2 2019-02-27 display of times >1h V1.9.2.1 2019-02-25 Norwegian language support improved V1.9.1.3 2019-01-17 Splash import: import of Teams even if there are no Teammebers V1.9.1.2 2019-01-17 Splash import: Lane enable also when no Teammebers available V1.9.1.1 2019-01-10 Network display: Layout initialization when False start pressed small improvements V1.8.11.2 2018-11-26 Automatic "Take manual" option added V1.8.11.1 2018-11-16 Sync of IDCams if there are defined. Timy support only if automatic is chosen Automatic bib on Timy consisting of 2 digit event number and 2 digit heat number Hint: Set of bib does not work on program SwimTrainer. clear of times must be done at timy directly because Timy does not support that via USB. V1.8.10.3 2018-10-11 Crash of some RTNM if not all competitors finished solved V1.8.10.2 2018-10-08 Manual sync did not work anymore: solved Negative reaction times were not shown: solved Display of reaction times in relays reworked V1.8.10.1 2018-10-05 Sync with Timy Manual Sync: hide of dialog after sync Wrong time difference for reaction times solved Sync for IDCam with OPTIc3 V1.8.9.2 2018-09-27 First Version for Timy USB Support: Supported Programs: PC Timer, Backup, Tracktimer, SwimTrainer Skype Label removed Avoid wrong startblock times IDCam control improved V1.8.9.1 2018-09-06 Lenex import: If there is a technique it is shown now in swim style. V1.8.8.1 2018-08-10 Language Improvements V1.8.7.1 2018-07-27 Latest Update Service; Hint for .NET Framework Norwegian Help file V1.8.6.1 2018-06-18 Power supply warning removed V1.8.5.2 2018-05-30 Debug version for locate Error Some small mistakes solved. V1.8.5.1 2018-05-24 Help files reworked Heat: Name of Final Editable V1.8.4.1 2018-04-23 Hy-Tec Export still stuck with special setup. solved. V1.8.3.2 2018-03-09 Hy-Tec Export stuck when only half of the touches were available. V1.8.3.1 2018-03-07 Network display: Layout switching improved. Generic Startlist import: Names could be imported wrong. V1.8.2.1 2018-02-08 Hy-Tec import generic.sch: Bug solved when Event Numbers does start from 1 With + Lanes can be actualized if State is Ready Intermission control (Show only first 3): if there is an Ex Aequo on Rank3 amount of lanes increased to 4 V1.8.1.2 2018-01-30 Network display: Display of Ex aequo improved Network display: Layout at heat change fixed V1.8.1.1 2018-01-26 Import Lenex: "Final": validity check Firmware Version check Network display: Rank oriented output->State output Please use latest Version of PCD Multisport for that V1.7.12.3 2017-12-21 DisplayDLL: Possibility to switch between Lane- and Rank-oriented Layout Network display: Running time is now deactivated at "End Heat", not before Network display: At "End Heat" the layout is changed, not the orientation. V1.7.12.2 2017-12-20 Language corrections Backstart: On deactivated lane, it could happen that a (wrong) reaction time was displayed. Fixed V1.7.12.1 2017-12-11 Check if Window is not visible at startup design of lanes improved New USB Driver 5/100s additional wait time for printout at P5 A maximized Window was not restored at startup Hungarian and Norwegian Language added V 2017-11-14 Time corrections which changed the ranking had a wrong output on the network display When there is a start within 5 seconds the program asks for a false start automatically V 2017-10-19 Lenex Import: Length of pool is now always imported Lenex Import: Better error handling on wrong daytimes V 2017-10-05 Update check improved V 2017-09-26 Update check added V 2017-07-21 Printer output on P5 could have missing lines. Solved. Problem with rounding on result output on P5 solved. Lenex import: Import of "timing" at sessions added V 2017-05-15 BIFINS added (Lenex Standard) Language Netherlands improved Lenex Import: Message if Country Code not correct V 2017-05-12 Non-Lenex conform swim styles from Splash are now imported as "UNKNOWN". V 2017-03-15 Backup times are printed at result on P5 V 2017-02-09 Calypso event output now with 4 digits Calypso display board had no intermediates on setting rank-oriented V 2017-01-23 avoid of standby improved V 2016-10-21 Calypso: Completely revised Limit of Touches 400; distance set to 10.000: maximum for Controller Printout: tie solved; languages updated Splash: Reaction times could be wrong: solved New USB driver 2.12.24 with double signature V 29.6.2016 Printing of result instead of protocol on end heat Printing dialog can be suppressed via registry V 29.6.2016 Backstroke and Medley: videowall was cleared after reaction time. Solved. Protocol printout always on standard printer V 17.5.2016 No print dialog when end heat is pressed. V 2016-03-07 Reactivation of display board did not work. V 2016-03-04 Possibility to print out of backup times lane oriented. V 2016-02-29 Possibility to print out of backup times. V 2016-02-24 Network display: switching from lane oriented to rank oriented output improved Path of reports changed that saving is possible under Win 7+ V 2016-01-06 Output of reaction time in backstroke improved V 2016-01-04 Data-validation about valid times: Startblock times are not checked anymore.. New non-blocking message box for test purposes. latest USB-serial driver included. V 2015-09-29 Possibility for immediate protocol printout after pressing "end heat". V 2015-09-24 display of reaction and relay takeover time now configurable small improvements in database handling. V 2015-09-09 New Command for Controller did not work correctly Output of reaction times on backstroke is now sorted. Rank oriented display after end of race improved Possible mistakes in database solved. Some small improvements V 2015-09-09 Print protocol: Lane 0 was not printed If Com Port is not available, set to automatic New Command for new controller firmware Backstroke: Displaytime is used for reaction time and new DIS command Display of daytime: Shows now the controller time if connected V 2015-06-30 Creating of debug information improved. Odd Events can start now from the turn side (For e.g.: 150m) Printout of protocol did not print Lane 0 Solved. Start on turn side on odd number of touches are displayed now correct on the turn side. V 2015-05-27 Starting with fullscreen: Display error corrected Relay: No double output to printer/display board anymore Error on Lenex import could destroy the database connection Some small improvements V 2015-05-11 Splash import of all heats in current event possible V 2015-05-07 New icon New distances added: 150, 3000, 5000 User defined distances are shown now correctly. Reaction times are cleared now. V 2015-04-30 Output of reaction times on printer and GAZ interface at water start V 2015-04-28 Old eventinfo should be now 100% compatible. EventInfoAddress was not stored. V 2015-04-11 Control of Colorado, ARES und IDCam Interfaces improved. Debug output improved. V 2015-04-11 Calypso Board: old protocol reactivated. Last Line was deleted at "End heat". Solved. V 2015-04-10 Calypso display board interface completely redesigned Rank oriented output could not be set in Settings dialog V 2015-04-08 Calypso Board: Orientation same as GAZ Calypso Board: Time was running after heat was finished. Solved Calypso Board: 1. First lane is 0 V 2015-03-04 Eventinfo: Output without leading zeros when using "advanced event info" V 2015-02-24 New Compiler; New DLL's Invers View of Lanes V 2015-02-02 Logfile improved On classification output a crash could happen. Solved. GAZ output corrected when more than 10 Lanes are connected. V 2015-01-11 if you create a new event, you have to enter now always the amount of heats. Add heats optimized Creating of events and heats will add a standard order. Adding of age groups could create a dead lock. Solved. Edit event and age groups: Gender "all" is now on top of the list. Swim style and relay count changed to optimize the edit procedure. Sometimes the drop down list were not actualized after editing. Solved. V 2014-12-22 English language corrected. Special thanks to Ian (Australia) for correcting Installation Dutch: Special thanks to Peter IJpema (Belgium) Edit age groups: Lenex ID is not editable anymore Simulator: manual button did not work with connected hardware. Protocol for colorado display board implemented Lenex ID is now visible at events and heats V 2014-10-22 Hy-Tek: automatic import during a race disabled to avoid unwanted behavior. Hy-Tek: import start list: gender was not always correct V 2014-10-22 When a new database is created, the first heat gets the name Heat 1 and also order 1 V 2014-10-21 If all lanes are deactivated at start, the reactivation was not correct. Also the block time. Edit heats: Add Heat: name, number, order added "Add several heats" in "Edit heats" "Add several heats" in "Edit event": heatname and number added V 2014-10-09 RTNM 26x5: Visibility of the nation can be disabled with the Registry Key "RTNM 26x5 ShowNation". On language change the print forms are also changed now. It could happen that the block time was not shown after start. Solved. on "replace with manual" it could happen that the ranking on the display board was not correct. Solved. There is now a option for lane oriented setting to switch to rank oriented setting after "end race". New USB-Serial driver V2.12 in Setup V 2014-08-20 Reaction time was not printed when start was from tunside on backstroke. Reactiontime backstroke was not shown on startup. When a starttime was missing printout could not be started V 2014-08-20 Backstroke: Reaction time was not shown if start is from turnside V 2014-06-05 Automatic change to the next heat possible via Registry V 2014-03-28 Classification Window delayed loading on startup to do not have it in preview Classification Window transparent, LCD font installation and changeable via Registry V 2014-03-27 Memory requirements reduced: Load on demand, faster startup Classification window to show the ranking RTNM: Double IP Addresses shown red V 2014-03-05 Hy-Tek import reduced to max. 512 events and 512 Heats because of out of memory exception Hy-Tek import improved V 2014-02-27 only 128 Events and 64 Heats per Event could be imported via HyTek: Increased to 999 Events and 300 Heats V 2014-02-20 Beeper can be switched off (requires Firmware V14.21 or higher) Teamviewer link corrected Protocol of current heat: Leave Time of Startblocks was wrong: Solved Restore Times: Blocktime started again: Solved V 2014-01-08 Display of block Time Manual button warning did not work any more. Solved. Laptime warning should work now correct. V 2013-12-19 RTNM 26x2 could not be enabled Logfile improved Blocktime now in red color for better visibility V 2013-12-12 various crashes solved Error message when there is no Network available solved. V 2013-12-09 Printout improved V 2013-12-09 Printout improved V 2013-12-06 Hardware Handshake can be switched off now V 2013-12-04 Debug interface improved V 2013-12-04 sync-Window mistake solved Abort of manual sync makes now a sync with PC Time Message "restore times?" could be show several times. Solved. V 2013-12-03 internal release V 2013-11-27 Internal release V 2013-11-21 Language support improved for French and Spanish Stability improved V 2013-11-20 "Jumping time" at RTNM 26x2 solved. V 2013-11-19 Logfile improved Language Support improved: Suomi V 2013-11-15 Logfile improved Design changed Crash on lodad language solved Reaction time / relay take off on Video interface V 2013-10-31 Reports corrected V 2013-10-30 Rank could be wrong on Networkdisplay when changing touches. printout "Print current heat" editable printout "Protocol current heat" shows heat name and number Reports corrected Small bug fixes and corrections V 2013-10-16 Strange behavior on touches change solved V 2013-10-09 French help added V 2013-10-08 Hint at COM interface Hy-Tek Import improved RTNM 160x16 support printout of current heat improved V 2013-09-14 Printing of current Heat added Edit Competitors improved Edit Teams improved V 2013-09-06 Spanish Help added RTNM 26x5: Longer Names, when there is no Nation for a competitor Create share improved V 2013-08-22 Finnish Help added Delay times from Terminal limited to 2,55 Sec V 2013-08-13 Italian Help File corrected Edit of Competitors on an relay event showed an error when no Competitor was on the database Edit of Competitors on an relay: Competitors can be added now Import Lenex: Error Message solved when Age Group Type = MASTERS (needs new database) V 2013-07-26 Help support for other Languages Creating an Event could have two times the gender. Now Suppressed. Result on P5 now in Language File V 2013-07-24 Again a new bug when calculating manual times. Now Solved. V 2013-07-18 The difference of the manual times was calculated in full precision. Now in 1/100sec Simulator improved V 2013-07-04 Hy-Tek Exchange: Import of Generic scoreboard startlist changed the relay count on relay events. This caused a wrong amount of touches. Solved. Printout of Event data was wrong if the slowest and the fastest time differs x10 V 2013-07-01 Small bug fixes Better labeling of distance for relay events Hy-Tek Exchange: Import of Generic Event Schedule: distance of relay events was not correct V 2013-06-28 Hy-Tek Exchange: start list import did overwrite the event distance with standard setting. solved V 2013-06-28 Hy-Tek Exchange: Times were rounded. Now cut correct. V 2013-06-28 Calypso Display Board: Intermission Control - Rank mode did not work correct V 2013-06-26 Debug improved Contextsensitive Help V 2013-06-24 Load Language works again V 2013-06-19 Calypso display board: Ex aequo was displayed wrong Calypso display board: Rank mode when run is finished Calypso display board: Optimizations V 2013-06-18 Calypso display board support Last meeting could be deleted and caused a crash Some improvements and bug fixes V 2013-04-04 RTNM Brightness for newer models V 2013-03-14 RTNM 128x16 (22x2) added Name of Exportfile improved Printout of current event: 50m one sided was printed as 100m. Solved. V 2013-03-08 Size of Logfile increased; Backup of Logfile V 2013-02-16 Eventinfo: should work again V 2013-02-16 Eventinfo: should work again V 2013-02-13 "Eventinfo" Compatibility mode for older displays Russian and Finnish language improved V 2013-02-07 "Eventinfo": Address now changeable under advanced settings Compatibility to older displays enhanced New Version Schema Y.Y.M.V