Changes made for the OPTIcXNet.exe Software =========================================== V 2024-10-24 "ATL-MODULE" Additional transfer of times of day and virtual C1 pulses to the ATL module. "MEET-BROWSER" When importing a meet structure, a message box appears if there are still any heats in the timing dialog. V 2024-09-09 "ATL-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" The ATL DLLs have been revised and new settings have been added to prevent the process clock from automatically synchronizing with OptiC3 or external devices. V 2024-08-20 "PRINTING-MODUL" When printing result lists with images multiple times in succession, it could happen that sometimes the previous image was printed instead of the most recent image. Solved. V 2024-07-09 "MEETS-IMPORT-CORRECTIONS" When importing meets with very large amounts of data, it could happen in rare cases that the meet tree structure was not imported correctly. Solved. V 2024-05-22 "OPTIc3-REMOTE-CONTROL" If the IDCam software is connected via the results PC a time synchronization command is transmitted to the IDCam software. V 2024-02-13 "ATL-MODULE-EXPORT-CORRECTIONS" The internal IDs are removed from "Versatile Exchange" protocol. A wind measurement was sometimes not assigned to the correct ATL export heat. Solved. V 2024-01-16 "ATL-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" A disqualification reason that was just overwritten by the user was not immediately made available to the ATL module for its export files. Solved. A wind measurement was passed through to the ATL module twice. Solved. V 2023-12-13 "OPTIc3-SYSTEM" Update of "SoftwareUpdate.exe" to version Additional LogFile outputs have been added. V 2023-12-12 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" If two identical Jpeg image blocks are delivered by the camera, the first image block is removed from the receiving memory and this event is logged in the log file. V 2023-11-08 "HEAT-LIST-CORRECTIONS" If the "Ranking with precise time" setting was used, then the difference times were calculated using the precise running times and not the rounded running times. Solved. The difference times are finally rounded according to the selected precision. V 2023-11-02 "HEAT-LIST" The difference time is finally rounded according to the preselected precision. "PRINTING-MODUL" New message boxes if a replacement font is used by the operating system or if the default font "Arial Unicode MS" is not available on the target system. Additional logging of font changes by the user or the use of a replacement font by the operating system in the log file. The font strings are stored persistently in the 'culture-invariant' format. V 2023-09-19 "HEAT-LIST" Several lines can now be selected and then deleted. "HEAT-LIST-CORRECTIONS" It could happen that some transponder timeout times were displayed twice in the drop-down list of the "Transponder times" column. Solved. V 2023-09-05 "HEAT-LIST" The Finnish kilometer time is displayed in a newly defined display format. "HEAT-LIST-CORRECTIONS" The Finnish kilometer time was calculated from the precise running time and not from the rounded running time. Solved. V 2023-07-14 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" In the list of found WTN devices is now additional the software version number shown. V 2023-07-12 "MEET-BROWSER-CORRECTIONS" A heat deleted in the meet tree was still displayed in the list of heats. Solved. V 2023-06-29 "TIMING" After a false start in the sport "Track and field with anemometer", the wind measurement method is displayed in the wind measurement field. After connecting via USB, the Timy receives the command "EMU0\r". "MEET-BROWSER" The scroll position of the "heats list" remains unchanged after a heat data export is done in the heat list. "IMAGE-VIEW-CORRECTIONS" When creating a new meet, the setting "Coming from left" was not adopted by the camera dialog. Solved. V 2023-06-15 "MAIN-WINDOW" OPTIc3Net is using now "SoftwareUpdate.exe" in the version "1.0.8566.18585". V 2023-06-14 "TIMING" A manual wind measurement can now be started via a "pull-down button" in the display field for the wind measurement. "LANGUAGES" Chinese is now available as a new language version. V 2023-05-25 "TIMING-CORRECTIONS" Automatic reloading of heats is now also possible when there are several heats in the timing dialog. "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW-CORRECTIONS" The autofocus buttons in the 2D camera preview were not always displayed in two-camera mode according to the associated motor zoom license. Solved. This behavior only exists in the versions V - V "OPTIc3-ATL-SETTINGS-CORRECTIONS" The connected cameras were no longer displayed in the ATL settings at the bottom of the window. Solved. This behavior only exists in the versions V - V V 2023-05-22 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" For two-camera operation, the current states of time synchronization are managed in a special controller. The internal states of the cameras as well as relevant events such as connection, disconnection and camera switching are also taken into account. The required time synchronization method, if required, is executed at program start. "TIMING-CORRECTIONS" If several heats were loaded into the timing dialog and they were started one after the other, then it could happen that in the heats that were not activated for recording, displayed in a later recording also non-activated image areas. Solved. This behavior only exists in the versions V - V V 2023-04-25 "OPTIc3-SYSTEM" After starting the program, the recording control is activated after the arrival of the first image data. V 2023-04-04 "MAIN-WINDOW" The OPTIc3Net interfaces have been adapted for the use with SoftwareUpdate.exe in the version "1.0.8447". V 2023-03-30 "MAIN-WINDOW" A message box informs you if the image files of the recording meet were saved in an older data format. V 2023-03-29 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" In the camera dialog window there are now two tabs for the settings of two different cameras. The two cameras can be connected at the same time, in order to be able to carry out simultaneous image recordings. Camera 1 always works as the master and controls the recording of camera 2. The recorded images of camera 2 are shown in image view2. "MEET-BROWSER" When sorting the heats list over the date column, the first sorting criteria is the date and the second sorting criteria is the scheduled start time. "TIMING" With the wind measurement method "Waiting then 10 seconds." the previous waiting time can now be set by the user. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" When switching to another camera, the setting "coming from left/right" for the first camera could be overwritten with the value from the second camera. Solved. "IMAGE-VIEWs-CORRECTIONS" If the CTRL key was also pressed while zooming the images, an exception could occur in the 64 version. Solved. V 2022-09-16 "IMAGE-VIEWs" The icons for exporting an image section have been replaced. V 2022-09-15 "IMAGE-VIEWs" There is now a new button for forcing a 16:9 aspect ratio when exporting a cropped image. An image section can now be opened from all four corners with the left mouse button pressed down. "MAIN-WINDOW" The asynchronous message boxes have been replaced by synchronous ones. V 2022-09-02 "IMAGE-VIEWs-CORRECTIONS" If a meet was recorded with the method "Coming from left" and the image content did not fill out the entire evaluation window, then the exported image did not display the marked image section congruently. Solved. Special characters are now filtered out of a suggested file name for the image export. V 2022-08-22 "MEET-BROWSER-CORRECTIONS" When updating a meet via a *.meetxml file, the scheduled start times for unstarted heats were not adopted if both the wind measurement method and the distance were missing. Solved. V 2022-07-06 "RUNTIME-WINDOW" An automatic adjustment of the window size is only carried out in the state "Visible". V 2022-06-25 "MAIN-WINDOW" The asynchronous message boxes are now directly generated and displayed in the same asynchronous process. V 2022-06-23 "OPTIc3-SYSTEM" Initial porting to 64 bit. V 2022-05-23 "MAIN-WINDOW" The continuous wind measurement from the Timy device is now directed to the "WS2" status bar field. "IMAGE-VIEW1-CORRECTIONS" If there is no image yet and the lane order is set to descending lane numbers, lane 1 could not be adjusted. Solved. V 2022-03-22 "TIMING" New wind measurement methods for 8 and 12 seconds have been introduced for the wind measurement over the Timy device. V 2022-02-03 "IMAGE-VIEWS" When adjusting the brightness/contrast/gamma sliders, only the very last value is forwarded to the image server. This increases the image refreshing rate. V 2022-02-01 "IMAGE-VIEWS" If the Bib dialog is left open, it is automatically closed during a zoom process in the view 1. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-CONTROL-CORRECTIONS" When sorting the recording impulses, the insert method in now declared as a mutual exclusion block. V 2022-01-26 "MEET-BROWSER" The list of scheduled heats has now the date from the session above in an additional column. The date is now considered when sorting the list. V 2022-01-20 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-CONTROL-CORRECTIONS" In case of a time roll over from "23:59:59.9999" to "0:00:0.0000" the deletion of no longer needed impulses in the recording control has sometimes not worked correctly. Solved. V 2022-01-08 "TIMING" The "Activate recording for transponder" button is now displayed after opening the Transponder dialog window, even without an active transponder license. V 2022-01-04 "ATL-MODUL" All devices in the timing device list under the Atl show settings dialog with the prefix "Alge_" are now combined into a separate group, so that they can be clearly distinguished from the transponder devices. V 2021-12-21 "TIMING" External C0 pulses can now be activated for starting a heat. The selection list of the C0 pulses in the start time display field is updated when the left drop-down button is clicked. V 2021-12-17 "ATL-MODUL" The event handler for external channel impulses and transponder impulses is now activated after the program start. Updates of the ATL-DLLs. V 2021-12-16 "OPTIc3-TIMING-CORRECTIONS" If the start focus in a heat is locked (red X over the start gun), then the prevailing status of the finish focus (display) is overwritten. This locks a possible start trigger in the camera for an invalid C0 pulse. Solved. V 2021-19-07 "ATL-MODUL" Updates of the ATL-DLLs. V 2021-09-18 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-CONTROL" When the dialog for the time synchronization is opened, the registers for the recording conditions are deleted in the recording control module. V 2021-09-14 "MEET-BROWSER" The actual row in the list of all heats now selects also the image views and the heat list. V 2021-09-07 "MEET-BROWSER" For a meet there is now a list of all heats, which can be selected over a tab in the lower area of the meet tree. The list of all heats is sorted by default according to the scheduled start times of the respective heat. The automatic loading of heats in the timing dialog follows this list. "OPTIc3-REMOTE-CONTROL" In the case of the results PC, the current status of the remote control connection is shown as text in a separate column. This column is located in the remote control server window in the expanded selection field. "MEET-BROWSER + OPTIc3-CAMERA" After importing a meet, a "Clear Memory" command is send the OPTIc3 camera. This causes a deletion of all previously stored channel times. V 2021-07-22 Internal test version. V 2021-07-08 "MAIN-WINDOW + OPTIc3-CAMERA" After switching to another recording meet, a "Clear Memory" command is send the OPTIc3 camera. This causes a deletion of all previously stored channel times. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" After switching from "Auto Gain" to "Manual Gain", the manual gain value displayed in the field is now immediately transmitted to the OPTIc3 camera. "ATL-MODULE" In the case of an ATL meet import, the order of the events in the original import file is now also stored and used for the final displaying. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" If an OPTIc3 camera had a continuous impulse on the C1 channel and it was then switched to another OPTIc3 camera, an error message of a pending continuous impulse was still displayed, under the condition that this message source was activated before at all. Solved. "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" If a double-click was carried out in the overview window and the finish time was taken over with Bib-Dialog without any moving of the time cursor in view 1, it could happen that the evaluation line was not drawn at the correct position. Solved. If the zoom factor was adjusted several times in quick succession with the mouse wheel in an evaluation window, it could sometimes happen that the evaluation lines were drawn at a wrong position. Solved. "IMAGE-SERVER-CORRECTIONS" A rare exception for a shared memory area between the image server and the user interface, could cause the return from a locked code area and then subsequently freeze the user interface. Solved. "OPTIc3-REMOTE-CONTROL-CORRECTIONS" Precondition: The recording PC (server) is in the mode lane evaluation. If the results PC (client) has now connected to the recording PC (server), then the lanes were not shown in view 1 on the results PC. Solved. V 2021-06-29 "ATL-MODULE" Additional anemometer measurement times of 8 and 12 seconds were introduced for the Timetronics device. "IDCAM-COUPLING" If the OPTIc3 camera is not synchronized, then, after the automatic synchronization, a synchronization time stamp is transmitted to the ID-Cam software after a time delay. "IMAGE-SERVER" A cyclically repeated exception error message is now checked for content and, if necessary, reduced to only few outputs to the log file. V 2021-05-20 "ATL-MODULE" If in the sport "Athletics with anemometer" a distance of 0 meters is given for a heat via the ATL import, this value of 0 meters is ignored and the distance value of the previously selected wind measurement method is used instead. V 2021-05-11 "HEAT-LIST" A new column with the precise run time has been introduced in the heat list. "IMPULSE-LOG" The impulse log list is loaded during the loading process in a virtual mode. This speeds up the loading process. "IMAGE-OVERVIEW-CORRECTIONS" When importing a run with images, it could sometimes happen that the overview window was no longer redrawn. Solved. V 2021-01-27 "ATL-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" With the OPTIcXNet version "V2.0.9.1 02-09-2020" a new HTML processing routine was introduced in the ATL module, which caused a too high CPU load. Solved. "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" If the image content changes during a recording in the evaluation window and an image area has just been marked for cutting, it will be deleted. Solved. V 2020-11-26 "OPTIc3-REMOTE-CONTROL" Old image recordings are processed and deleted on the results PC (client) using an extended method. Solved. V 2020-11-10 "OPTIc3-REMOTE-CONTROL" The ATL exports such as (Opti Xml Export, Athletica File Export, etc.) can now be sent as commands with the same buttons from the results PC (client) to the recording PC. Those export functions are available on the results PC, which were activated on the recording PC in the ATL dialog. V 2020-09-30 "IDCAM-COUPLING-CORRECTIONS" A synchronization timestamp is only transmitted to the IDCam software after the first arrival of OPTIc3 camera image data. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-CONTROL" Unnecessary recording impulses are not anymore passed on to the StreamOnDemand modul during the 2D preview or when the timing dialog is empty. V 2020-09-28 "ATL-MODULE" Changeover to the reduced ATL DLL version. Changes to interfaces and to time formats. V 2020-09-24 "TIMING-DIALOG" If the test start is activated, a message box appears for asking if a switch to the highest precision of 1/10000 is wished. After deactivation of the test start, a message box is asking if you want switch back to the original precision. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" When using the test start, only the activating edge of a C0 start pulse is used for the image recording. Solved. "OPTIc3-REMOTE-CONTROL-CORRECTIONS" On the results PC (client) it could sometimes happen that after starting OPTIc3Net, the preselected heat in the meet tree was not passed on to the image views. Solved. V 2020-09-02 "OPTIc3-TIMING-CORRECTIONS" The finish focus is deactivated before an application is closed, This has the consequence that a stopped time on the GAZ immediately is blanked. Previously could for about 0.3 seconds an undesired runtime be displayed. Solved. "OPTIc3-TIMER-MODUL-INTERFACE-CORRECTIONS" During the initialization sequence of an OPTIc3 camera the C1 channel is temporarily deactivated. Channel strings without a terminating Ascii null \0 are now also accepted. Solved. "ATL-MODUL" When the sport "Track and field with anemometer" is used and in the ATL settings "TimyUSB to [Enabled = True]" is set, then a message box advises that the setting "TimyUsb [Enabled = False]" is to be used. V 2020-08-20 "MEET-OVERVIEW" For the display of the wind measurement in the tab "heat", the decimal point for the Swiss locale has been allowed as a valid separator of the decimal places. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" The two fields for motion detection are only checked after all numerical values have been entered in the "Upper pixel" field. V 2020-07-09 "ATL-MODUL-CORRECTIONS" After calling "Update a meet", a changed distance in the event was not accepted. Solved. V 2020-04-03 "ATL-MODUL" The interface to the ATL module has been supplemented with new methods for forwarding intermediate times. V 2020-03-30 "IMAGE-VIEWS" An image area can now be selected and then exported as an image file. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" There is now an adjustable threshold for the triggering behavior of the motion detection. Valid values are from 0 (most sensitive) to 15 (less sensitive). A third-party GenICam camera is now excluded from the list of the available OPTIc3 cameras. V 2020-02-28 "MEET-OVERVIEW-TREE" A single heat can now be exported via the context menu in the meet overview tree with its associated image data. The import takes place exactly the same way as the import of an entire meet. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" The camera image transmission mode "WLAN mode" has now been set as the standard. This can no longer be deactivated in the GUI. V 2020-02-18 "TIMING-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" If using the left mouse button for getting manual impulses C0M (green hand) C1M (red hand) C2M (blue hand) and they were clicked too quickly in succession, sometimes some click events have been ignored. Solved. V 2020-02-11 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-CONTROL" If the available disk space on the computer hard drive falls below the 1024 MB mark, a warning message is issued. If the available disk space falls further below the 256 MB mark, a further warning message is issued and the ongoing recording is then deactivated. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DISCOVERY" If a connection attempt with the timer module with the exception "Connection refused" (native error code: 10061) was refused, the automatic discovery is started again. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" When working in the PC mode "Standalone PC" and then switching from an OPTIc3 camera with remote control license to another OPTIc3 camera without remote control license, the unnecessary message: "The remote control license is invalid!" was issued. Solved. In the initialization sequence to the camera, the command for the "Auto gain" was placed further back so that it can be processed correctly by the camera. V 2020-01-30 "OPTIc3-TIMING-DIALOG" In the intermediate time field under the left "drop-down" button is now a list of intermediate times of this heat available. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" With a low screen resolution (e.g. 1366x768 pixels) of the computer, the lower dialog area of the OPTIc3 camera dialog could be partially hidden. Solved. If several OPTIc3 cameras were already registered in the database system, it could happen that the correct range settings of the motion detection were not transmitted to the connected camera. Solved. "OPTIc3-IMAGE-VIEW-CORRECTIONS" In view 1, the right blue boundary line for motion detection was sometimes not redrawn over the entire image area after changing the zoom factor. Solved. "ATL-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" The setting "USB-Timy Enabled = True" was not permitted. Solved. V 2020-01-21 "HEAT-LIST" The reaction times from the start judge are no longer deleted immediately after a false start, but only overwritten with the next start impulse. If a target time is entered manually, or a time from the impulse log has been dragged and dropped into the finish time field, then an evaluation line is also generated for this finish time, if the corresponding image material is available. "MAIN-WINDOW + OPTIc3-CAMERA" Under the menu item "Connections", the "Hold Time" is now also used for the display duration of the intermediate pulse C2. "IMAGE-VIEWS" The "Lane evaluation" mode is used. A lane number that is not found in the heat list is now shown as a blue number in the evaluation window. The last by the user set zoom factors are now used when creating a new meet. V 2020-01-07 "IMAGE-VIEWS" With pressed space bar or with the activated "Scroll lock" key you can now move the evaluation image to the left or to the right side with the mouse wheel. With the "ALT-GR" key pressed and with "Page up" or "Page down", the evaluation image can now also be moved to the left or to the right. If the arrow keys on the horizontal scroll bar of the evaluation window are pressed and the left mouse button remains pressed, the scrolling process accelerates. "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW-CORRECTIONS" If the "WLAN" mode was deactivated and the 2D preview was closed, an unnecessary message could have appeared: "Camera image stream is not continuous ...". Solved. V 2019-12-16 "IMAGE-VIEWS" In the picture view mode "Meet", recorded image regions can now be inserted into the selected heat. This is the reverse function for "Image cropping". "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW-CORRECTIONS" If a manual start time of "0:00:00:0000" was entered in the time measurement dialog, this start time was then displayed in the heat list as an empty string and not as "0:00:00:0000". Solved. V 2019-11-29 "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW" If no lane settings for an OPTIc3 camera are available, predefined lane settings are created. V 2019-11-28 "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW" The lanes adjustment for an OPTIc3 camera can now be done in the 2D preview. "SYSTEM-CORRECTIONS" When creating a new meet sometimes an unnecessary entry: "Could not find a part of the path..." was written to the LogFile. Solved. V 2019-11-22 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" Checking the available disk space, is now performed using a more powerful system API method. "MAIN-WINDOW-CORRECTIONS" Unnecessary GUI elements for OPTIc2Net were displayed. Solved. V 2019-11-19 "TIMING-DIALOG" New distances have been introduced: 40 [m], 4x40 [m], 4x60 [m] und 4x80 [m] "TIMING-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" If the device "TimeTronic Wind Speed" was selected for the wind measurement and then switched to "No measurement", then a 5-second wind measurement was still carried out. Solved. V 2019-11-12 "SYSTEM-CORRECTIONS" During the first installation of version '' on a PC on which never a previous OPTIcXNet was installed, a database file could not be created correctly. Solved. "TIMING-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" The wind measurement with the device "TimeTronic WindSpeed" could be premature timeout and then the wind measurement was not taken over. Solved. V 2019-10-31 "DOT.NET 4.8" OPTIcXNet has been upgraded to DOT.NET 4.8, if an operating system older than Windows 10 version 1903 is used then DOT.NET 4.8 must be installed first. DOT.NET 4.8 is supported by the following versions of Windows: Windows Client versions: Windows 10 version 1903, Windows 10 version 1809, Windows 10 version 1803, Windows 10 version 1709, Windows 10 version 1703, Windows 10 version 1607, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 SP1 Windows Server versions: Windows Server 2019, Windows Server version 1803, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 V 2019-10-23 "OPTIc3-REMOTE-CONTROL" From the evaluation PC, a connection to the IDCam software can be established and the IDCam software can be controlled as usual. "MEET-OVERVIEW-TREE" When importing individual heats, the number of letters of the import name is taken into account for displaying the text in the meet overview tree. "MAIN-WINDOW-CORRECTIONS" In the version, after the closing of a meet, no automatic storage of the meet data took place. Solved. "OPTIc3-SYSTEM" Unnecessary logfile entries have been removed. V 2019-10-14 "OPTIc3-REMOTE-CONTROL" There is now a remote control for the OPTIc3Net software available. The recording PC with connected OPTIc3 camera is connected to the evaluation PC via the local network. On the evaluation PC the OPTIc3Net software is also run and it can be evaluated at the same recording meet simultaneously. The remote control needs a license. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" The recording module waits for a deactivating pulse of the motion detection, which arrives with a time delay. V 2019-09-30 "TIMING-DIALOG-OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" If the time measurement dialog was closed with still loaded heats, then for the heat which has owned the finish focus, any remaining GAZ stop time was not explicitly deleted. Solved. V 2019-09-26 "HEAT-LIST-CORRECTIONS" After deleting the active row with the "Delete" button, a new ranking was not triggered. Solved. V 2019-09-16 "HEAT-LIST-CORRECTIONS" If there is no start time, no finish time will be displayed. In the evaluation mode by lane, any existing classes will not more deleted. Solved. V 2019-09-05 "LEFT-TOOLBAR" The changeover for the GAZ display between the 'time of day' or 'the run time' can now be done with a single state button. V 2019-09-04 "OPTIc3-MAINMENU-CONNECTION-ADDITIONS" According to the protocol selection for the large scoreboard GAZ (ALGE/Omega), the corresponding baud rate is now also transmitted to the camera and also via the WTN. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" The pulses of the photo cells and the motion detection will be checked after their arrival in the recording module to a chronologically correct order and sorted if necessary. "ATL-LIBRARY" The device "Macsha All4One" is now also a source for transponder impulses. "MEET-OVERVIEW-TREE-CORRECTIONS" When inserting a new heat, with the context menu over an event node, the newly created heat was selected in the meet tree but not loaded into the other windows. Solved. "HEAT-LIST-CORRECTIONS" After a manual input into a start time cell, the associated finish time could be changed inadmissibly. Solved. V 2019-07-22 "TIMING-DIALOG" For the sport "Track and field with anemometer" were additional measuring distances for 50 m and 60 m hurdles introduced. The measuring method is 5 seconds after the start. For 75 m normal the measurement method was changed from 5 to 10 seconds. New distances have been introduced: 4x200 m, 4x800 m, 4x1500 m 2000 m, 20000 m, 25000 m, 30000 m, 50000 m, 100 km 1 mile, half marathon, marathon V 2019-07-16 "BIB-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" If an already existing BIB number is to be overwritten with the BIB dialog, the message appears: "This Bib number has already evaluation data, do you want to overwrite it?" If you confirm this with "Yes", it could happen that another Windows program came into the foreground. Solved. "IDCAM-COUPLING-CORRECTIONS" Since the port to DOT.NET 4.6, the decimal places at the time offset have not been passed on to the IDCam software. Solved. V 2019-07-12 "ATL-MODULE" The ATL file exports are now carried out in a separate process, so that the user interface stays more responsive to the user during an export. "IDCAM-COUPLING-CORRECTIONS" Since the porting to DOT.NET 4.6, a negative time offset has not been passed anymore to the IDCam software. Solved. V 2019-07-05 "OPTIc3-TIMING-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" When using the automatic display mode and a manual stopping impulse was triggered, then the GAZ connected at the camera did not run forward again after the display hold time had ended. Solved. V 2019-07-03 "HEAT-LIST" The reaction times from the start judge are now shown right aligned. "MAIN-WINDOW" Before creating a new meet it will be checked if there old files are present and deleted if necessary. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" If the auto gain is disabled, then the before switched on automatic iris control will be also deactivated, because it is not available with the manual gain. V 2019-06-27 "MAIN-WINDOW-CORRECTIONS" In the version V the evaluation mode settings were not anymore persistently saved. Solved. V 2019-06-24 "TIMING-DIALOG" A false start does erase the start judge2 reaction times in the heat list. V 2019-06-20 Internal test version. V 2019-06-19 Internal test version. V 2019-06-18 Internal test version. V 2019-06-14 "ATL-MODULE" If there are no lanes found at the ATL import, they will be copied from the start numbers (BIB). "SYSTEM-CORRECTIONS" In the version V, an access to the database was disabled. Solved. V 2019-06-13 "SYSTEM" The functions of the version are blocked at the moment. V 2019-05-31 "OPTIc3-TIMING-DIALOG" A heat which is ready for starting does forward this to the Startjudge2. V 2019-05-31 "ATL-MODULE" As a new wind measuring device, the "TimeTronic WindSpeed" can be activated over the ATL settings. V 2019-05-24 "HEAT-LIST-CORRECTIONS" With the setting “Ranking with precise time” the column “Difference” could have been showing also the word “winner” for the second rank but only for very small time differences. Solved. "OPTIc3-TIMING-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" A heat with a disabled start did let running the GAZ (connected to the camera) after a C0 start impulse. Solved. "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" A mouse click on the "GoTo" button in the heat list does deliver the precise finish time to the evaluation view for having the full precision when using it for other competitors in the list. Solved. V 2019-05-16 "ATL-MODULE-IMPORT" If using as type of sports “Track and field” then the imported classes over the ATL import are written to the column “Reserved3” in the heat list. For all other type of sports the ATL import classes are written to the heat list classes column as it was always in the past. "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" After clicking "GoTo" in the heat list and the moving the time cursor and then clicking again "GoTo" if then a right click in the image view was done, the image position from the last time cursor moving was taken instead of the very last "GoTo" click. Solved. V 2019-05-14 "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" After a right click into the evaluation window in rare cases a cyclic message was written to the logfile and the user interface did not seem reactive anymore. Fixed. V 2019-05-11 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" The times of the simulated pulses for C1 and C2 were after a time rollover from 23:59:59:9999 to 0:00:00.0000 no longer correct. Solved. V 2019-05-08 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" The C0 pulses are checked for their pulse duration after activation and after approximately 1,5 seconds continuous pulses, a deactivating edge is inserted. V 2019-05-03 "OPTIc3-DISCOVERY" If a firewall blocks the OPTIc3 discovery, additional information such as IP address and port is written into the LogFile. "ATL-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" (ATL = Advanced Timing Library) The Finsh-Lynx import did not work anymore for individual heats. Solved. "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" The image cropping function had in rare cases cut away beyond the marked image area. Solved. V 2019-05-02 Internal test version. V 2019-04-01 "MAINMENU-SETUP" In the menu group “Other setting, popup button “Heat list”, “Edit rest of heat list:” in the row 5, disqualification reasons can be written in. New: These row 5 texts can be used explicitly if the new button “Use alias names 5 for the ATL export” is activated. For the internal lists the chosen row according to the setting of the radio buttons is taken. V 2019-03-28 Internal test version. V 2019-03-11 "MEET-OVERVIEW-TREE" In the function "Update a meet" for the meet tree, now also a changed hierarchy in the import file is considered. V 2019-03-08 "OPTIc3-TRANSPONDER-LINKING-CORRECTIONS" The converted transponder times were not written back to the database. Solved. V 2019-03-07 "OPTIc3-TRANSPONDER-LINKING" The offset time for the transponder impulses can now also be used without activating the automatic time compensation. V 2019-03-07 "IMAGE-VIEWS" The time transfer to the ranking list with a right mouse click is now done over a data buffer. "IMAGE-SERVER" An additional garbage collection is performed in the image server. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" Sometimes an unnecessary error message could appear after closing the program. Solved. The newly recorded image lines are now immediately written through to the recording file. "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" After moving an image while holding down the key and then left-mouse-click into the picture, became the time cursor in "Evaluation manually" or "Evaluation by BIB" mode not immediately visible again. "TIMING-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" A multiple successive activation and deactivation of the camera recording button, could build up a black line in the evaluation window. If the "Radio start" button is activated, the corrected start time will only be passed on to the camera if the race is not started. V 2019-02-27 "TRANSPONDER-LINKING" In the transponder setting is a new radio button "Transponder = Bib". This can be used if the transponder system has its own translation table. V 2019-02-26 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" The running time of day is now created in the recording module and synchronized to the image stream. "OPTIc3-TRANSPONDER-LINKING" An automatic time compensation between the transponder systems and the OPTIc3 camera is now available. This is helpful if the times of the day cannot be synchronized between the systems. With an offset field the transponder impulse can be also shifted in time. V 2019-02-19 "MAINMENU-CONNECTION" The protocol for the display board can now be selected. Available are the ALGE protocol and the OMEGA protocol. The protocol setting is only given to camera during the connection process. Any changing of the protocol during the normal running is not forwarded to the camera. V 2019-02-15 "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" The deleting of a mouse cursor for the lane numbers did not always work correctly. Solved. V 2019-02-14 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-LICENSING" An OPTIc3 camera license is now read out if the camera is connected. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" The numeric fields for the recording lines "after and before" can now be set to zero. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" A value of zero in the field “Transponder time compensation [ms]” could have been causing a disturbance of the recording. Solved. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE-CORRECTIONS" If the camera was running with activated motion detection and then the network connection did getting lost, after the automatic reconnection the activation of the motion detection was also getting lost. Solved. V 2019-02-06 "MAIN-MENU-CORRECTIONS" A connection to the IDCam software on another PC in the network did not work anymore. Solved. V 2019-02-06 "MEET-OVERVIEW-TREE" After deleting a node, the above node is selected. "MEET-OVERVIEW-TREE CORRECTIONS" While importing heats the selected node could have been unselected. Solved. V 2019-01-31 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" A manual C1 impulse is now only forwarded to the camera if the GAZ (display board) is in a running state. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" For motor zoom lenses the starting value is decreased from 30 to 15. V 2019-01-28 "ATL-LIBRARY-IMPORT" A new imported heat is inserted directly under the selected heat in the meet tree. "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW" The a surrounding rectangle is now 320 x 320 pixel. The coordinates and parameters for the focus functions are written to the Logfile. V 2019-01-18 "OPTIc3-IMAGE-VIEWS" If at a meet OPTIc3 cameras with different vertical resolutions are used, then now in the respective runs the vertical image resolution according to the used recording camera is shown. "IMAGE-VIEWS" The image export is now done in a separate process for keeping the GUI always responsible. "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW" The text for the sharpness value is shown out of the surrounding rectangle. At the right window there is now an additional progress bar which does show also the sharpness value. "CORRECTION-PRINTING-MODULE" Using the evaluation mode by lane and then doing a PDF image printing the text markers of the evaluation lines sometimes showed start numbers instead of lanes. Fixed. V 2018-12-21 "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW" For the tree buttons: Auto focus normal, Auto focus fast and manual focus a surrounding rectangle is shown which is the actual region for applying the focusing. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" A cyclic garbage collection for the system memory is done in the recording module. "ATL-LIBRARY-IMPORT-CORRECTIONS" If doing an ATL import and the ATL-Tag-field was empty, an unnecessary message was written into the logfile. Solved. V 2018-11-26 "DOT.NET 4.6" OPTIcXNet has been upgraded to DOT.NET 4.6. If you are using an operating system before windows 10 you need to install yourself DOT.NET 4.6 on this machine. "OPTIc3-MAIN-MENU" When the photocell inputs of the camera are triggered, a sound can now be played. This is also possible for transponder impulses and the motion detection. Under the main menu item "Timing" the sounds of the individual impulse sources, can be switched on or off. "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW-CORRECTIONS" When having a camera with a vertical resolution of 1360 and using the functions “Auto focus normal” or “Auto focus fast” pixel, the ROI center given with the mouse cursor was not taken exactly. Solved. (ROI = region of interest.) "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG-CORRECTIONS" Some new exception handlers for the numeric controls were added. V 2018-10-09 "OPTIc2-TIMING-DIALOG" If using the version and an OCD2 box and then activating the button “Activate test start on C0”, an immediate recording has been started. Solved. V 2018-10-05 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" Some texts have been changed and some improvements are done for a better High-DPI-Scaling. "SYSTEM" An advanced exception and recovery handling is implemented for the data base module. "OPTIc3-PRINTING-MODUL" For new recorded heats the "line scan rate" and the "vertical resolution" is written to the footer line of the PDF document. "TIMING-DIALOG" If working with an OCD2 box the button “Activate test start on C0” did not trigger an image recording for a C0 impulse. This is now implemented. "OPTIc2-LOGFILE" After reaching an upper limit for always recurring and similar "OHCI_DRIVER_ERROR_FOUND" messages, they are not anymore written to the logfile because they are unnecessary. "TIMING-DIALOG" The button “Simulated inter impulse (F6)” is again available. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" If using a camera with a vertical resolution of 1360 Pixel and setting the direction coming from left, unnecessary messages were written to the logfile. Solved. V 2018-09-13 "LOGFILE-DIALOG" There is now a new button for zipping the log file. After then the windows explorer is opened with the selected zipped log file. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" With the new button "List WTN devices" under the tab "WTN" the available WTN devices can be listed in the same network. "BIB-DIALOG" The popup list under the BIB text field has now the additional columns lane and class. "LANE-EVALUATION" The mouse cursor for a given lane number does now change its color from green to red if a time is taken to the heat list. "IMAGE-VIEWS" The zoom center is now taken from the actual mouse position and the zooming can be directly done with the mouse wheel. It is not anymore necessary to click into the view for giving the new zoom center. V 2018-09-06 "LANGUAGES" The language French is now available. "OPTIc3-MEET-BROWSER" The last used 'camera scan rate' is now stored for every heat and showed in the meet browser. "IMAGE-VIEWS" If in an image view the whole picture is cutted away, then in the time measure dialog and in the meet browser the color red for “recorded” is reset. "MAIN-MENU" The visual state (shown or hidden) of the runtime window is now stored persistently. V 2018-08-30 "OPTIc3-MAIN-MENU" The listings under the main menu “File”, “Load existing meet” and “Delete meet” are now sorted alphabetically. "OPTIc3-LICENSING" The image recording files are now stored in a general format according to the vertical resolution. In the case of the low vertical resolution (1360 pixel) the visual image area is now centered in the camera center position. "OPTIc3-IMAGE-VIEWS" The actual displayed vertical resolution is now shown in the title bar of the image views at the end of the heat text. "SYSTEM" The screen coordinates from the camera dialog and from the printing dialogs are now saved persistently. "CORRECTION-PRINTING-MODULE" A method for reading the saved user font did sometimes raise an exception. Solved. V 2018-07-20 "TIMING-DIALOG" The new button "Automatic loading of the next prepared heat", can be used for an automatic loading of the next prepared heat if a before shown heat is being closed. "HEAT-LIST" The buttons "Take transponder times as finish times" and "Show the latest transponder impulse" are showed only if a valid transponder license is available. "OPTIc3-IMAGE-VIEWS" For OPTIc3 cameras with a valid license for “Motion Detection” the border lines can be show in the image view 1 and also moved with the mouse cursor. "IMAGE-VIEWS" During recording the image refresh rate is adjusted to the processing speed of the computer. The calculation of a zoomed image is moved to the Image-Server. "LANE-SETTINGS" The capture region for the lane separator mouse cursor is increased. "IMAGE-SERVER" The image lines of the overview window are tested during the recording for validity. Before closing an image file the recording parameters and are tested and after then written trough. V 2018-06-20 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" After switching to another OPTIc3 camera the old time of day is erased in the image buffer. "CORRECTION -OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" In the versions '' and '' the motion detection did not trigger an image recording. Solved. "CORRECTION-HEATLIST " A manual edited run time in the heat list was not written to the ATL export module. Solved. V 2018-06-15 "IMAGE-SERVER" The image files for the overview window are closed immediately after reading out the content. Additional entries for the log file. "PRINTING-MODUL" The maximum font size for the list header and the list cells is limited to 18 points. "CORRECTION-OPTIc3-TIME-SYNCHRONIZATION" The PC time is first converted to a culture neutral format and is then transmitted to the OPTIc3 camera. This is especially necessary for cultures which do have for example a point "11.12.56" as time separator. Solved. V 2018-06-13 "OPTIc3-RECORDING-CONTROL" While during an active C1 recording impulse the C1 channel is disabled in the status bar, the recording controller does also deactivate its recording condition. "IMPULSE-LOG" A C2 impulse from an OPTIc3 camera is now also listed in the impulse log window. "OPTIc3-TIMER-MODUL-INTERFACE" There is now additional code for the commando interpreter regarding to response messages from the timer module. V 2018-06-06 "CORRECTIONS-OPTIc3-IMAGE-SERVER" The error message "Timy for anemometer could not be found!" could have been locking the image creation in the "OPTIc3-IMAGE-SERVER" for the evaluation windows and then no more images were displayed. Solved. V 2018-06-05 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-2D-PREVIEW" If for the active camera is no valid license available for motion detection the button "Show the motion detection range lines" is hidden. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" If for the active camera is no valid license available for transponders the input field "Ext. impulse delay time compensation [ms]" is deactivated. "CORRECTIONS-OPTIc2/3-RECORDING-CONTROL" If during the lines before phase a new lines before recording impulse is occurring the whole lines before phase is completely restarted. V 2018-05-29 "IMAGE-VIEWS" The display position for the bib numbers can be set to the upper or lower part of the view. When the setting “Evaluation by lane” is used the lane numbers are shown instead of the bib numbers. "ATL-LIBRARY-IMPORT" While importing a "*.meetxml" file and the measuring method for the anemometer is not set, this measuring method is calculated from the other parameters. "HEATLIST" The import of excel lists has now an extended exception handling. V 2018-05-25 "CORRECTION-IMAGE-EVALUATION-VIEW" The last part of a recording was sometimes not shown in the overview window. Solved. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" If an Optic3 camera has only 1360 pixel, the parameter for the motion detection are also limited to this resolution. V 2018-05-24 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-2D-PREVIEW" The border lines for the motion detection can now be displayed. "OPTIc3-RECORDING-MODULE" The header part of a new created image file is written through immediately. "TIMY-OVER-USB" It the sports type “Track and field with anemometer” is deselected then also the connection to the Timy is terminated. V 2018-05-14 "IMAGE-VIEWS" The BIB numbers can now be shown at the evaluation lines and also at the transponder lines. Also a scaling for the text font for these numbers is possible. For every image view this can be done independently. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-2D-PREVIEW" The licensed resolution is shown in the title bar. "CORRECTIONS-OPTIc3-CAMERA-PREVIEW" The camera preview window, as partial window of the user screen did not display the licensed vertical resolution of the camera. Solved. "IMAGE-SERVER" Before opening a meet the internal parameters of the image files are checked. If they are wrong they are getting corrected. V 2018-04-13 "ATL-LIBRARY" While importing scheduled start times, these times are first converted culture-independent and then stored in the data base. V 2018-04-09 "CORRECTION-HEATLIST" In the calculation of the “km time” the internal rounding function did round up for 0,1 too often. Solved. "CORRECTION-PRINTING-MODULE" Before using a stored font the comma separator of the given font size is checked according to the actual computer region schema. If it does not match it will be corrected. V 2018-03-28 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" If a start impulse has a time duration over a given limit, a warning message does occur. The time threshold can be set by the user. V 2018-03-26 "IMAGE-VIEWS" While adjusting a lane position its graphical number is repainted much faster. "SOFTWARE-UPDATER" At program start the actual OPTIcXNet product version is to the software update module. V 2018-03-23 "SOFTWARE-UPDATER" At program start the product name is written to the software update module. V 2018-03-23 "IMAGE-VIEWS" The time cursor is now also moved with image while using the scroll bars. "OPTIc3-MAIN-MENU" The brightness value for a DLine display board can be set under: Connections, section, Alge display. "IMAGE-VIEWS-TRANSPONDER" If in mode evaluation wit bib a proposed bib from a transponder impulse is not taken over by the user, this transponder impulse can be marked as invalid over a message box. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" If a recording impulse has a time duration over a given limit, a warning message does occur. The time threshold can be set by the user. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" If a recording pulse has a time duration over a given limit a warning message does occur. The time threshold can be set by the user. "OPTIc3-LICENSING" If the vertical image resolution of the connected camera is not equal compared with the vertical image resolution for the actual recording meet, a message box does tell this. "CORRECTION-OPTIc2" If more than one OPTIc2 camera was used, then the not activated cameras with the software version 17.B1 had also transmitted their own photo cell impulse to the OPTIc2Net software. These impulse were unexpected. Solved. V 2018-03-08 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" The OPTIc3 camera name is now limited to 15 characters. The camera settings for different OPTIc3 cameras are now also stored separately. "LANE-SETTINGS" The capture region for the lane separator cursor is increased. If the number of lanes is increased and a position correction for the already given lanes is necessary, the to be replaced lanes are limited to a minimum. "IMAGE-VIEWS" The exported images are now generated in a 1:1 resolution with an Alge-Timing logo as insert. The speech balloon for the transponder lines does now show also the transponder code. Lane positions settings can now be imported from different OPTIc3 cameras. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" If the setting “Connect IDCam” was activated and the program was new started, the automatic connection to the IDCam software was not done. Solved. V 2018-02-14 "MEET-BROWSER" Now there is an update function for "*.meetxml" meet import files. These files need to follow the specification. "TRANSPONDER-DIALOG" Transponder short numbers can now be used with a different list. "CORRECTIONS" The test if on the target machine a PDF reader is installed, is now deactivated. V 2018-02-07 "OPTIc3-TRANSPONDER" OPTIc3.Net can now process transponder impulses. "TRANSPONDER-DIALOG" With the new button "Delete selected row" the selected row in the transponder list can be deleted. The whole transponder list can be deleted with the new button "Delete the whole list". "HEATLIST" There is a new button "Take transponder times as finish times" for taking the finish time from the transponder column. This will be done only for empty finish time cells. With the new button "Show the latest transponder impulse" always the latest impulses will be shown, otherwise the very first impulse remains there. "ATL-LIBRARY" Before the call of "ProcessHeatChanged()" to the ATL library the heat list will be sorted first on the screen. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" Over the F8-REC field in the main status bar a mouse hover event did trigger an unnecessary "recording end event" which did not have any effect to the normal working. Solved. V 2017-12-13 "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" Redesign of the tab area. "OPTIc3-LICENSING" Invalid licenses are coded in another way. "ATL-LIBRARY" If in the ATL-settings as Timing-Device "Alge_Timy_Backup" is selected and activated (Enabled=true), the external Timy C0 impulses with a valid BIB can be written directly to the column “Start time”. "TIMING-DIALOG" A new button for writing external Timy C0 impulses directly to the heat list is available. "IMAGE-VIEWS-CORRECTIONS" If the very first image recording impulse was very short, the image view did not show it immediately. Solved. V 2017-11-29 "OPTIc3-2D-CAMERA-PREVIEW" New zoom factors (200%, 300%, 400%) are now available in the 2D camera preview window. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" Some text items have changed and some are new insert. "PRINT-DESIGN-DIALOG" The switching “Large icons on toolbars” is now also forwarded to the toolbar in this dialog. "TOOLBAR" The tool spacing for all toolbars is increased from 0 to 1. V 2017-11-22 "MAIN-WINDOW-STATUSBAR" A maximum height for the status bar is now defined. "HEATLIST-CORRECTION" While a cell in the heat list had been edited and the list did lose the input focus, then sometimes an "InvalidOperationException" occurred. Solved. V 2017-11-21 "SOFTWARE-UPDATER" The automatic software update function is now activated. "ATL-LIBRARY" Forwarding of the runtime or the time of day modus and also the shifting of the digit positions for the display boards and the video wall. V 2017-11-20 "OPTIc3-LICENSING" The buttons for the gearhead are now also available in the basis license. "OPTIc3-DISCOVERY" The last used IP-Address from a connected camera is first checked for validity at program start. V 2017-11-15 "IMAGE-VIEWS" Doing the evaluation by lane and with the setting "Large icons on toolbars" activated, the mouse cursors in the evaluation view are showed bigger. "CAMERA-DIALOG" (OPTIc2 + OPTIc3) The DPI scaling for the button images is also allowed for factors under 100%. V 2017-11-14 "MAIN-MENU" Under the menu tab “Show” is a new button named “Large icons on toolbars”. It can be used for switching the toolbars to bigger icons. "CAMERA-DIALOG" (OPTIc2 + OPTIc3) The buttons for the motor zoom and the gear head are now scaled up if the computer screen does have higher DPI settings. "TIMING-DIALOG" The buttons for start, display and REC are now scaled up if the computer screen does have higher DPI settings. "STATUSBAR" The icons for the timing channels (C0, C1) are increased in size. "OPTIc3-CAMERA-DIALOG" The text items are now registered in the language module. "OPTIc3-VoIP" While switching the VoIP phone on, after the initializing phase a speech connection is now established automatically. "PRINTING-MODUL" If a heat does not have a scheduled start time the entry from the event above is taken for the printing task. "BIB-DIALOG" The showing of the BIB dialog is taken out from the mouse event. "OPTIc2-CORRECTIONS" After canceling a hardware time synchronization and taking the computer time instead, the background color of the time display field in the status bar was not painted yellow. Solved. V 2017-10-30 "OPTIc3" Switching to another camera is only allowed if there is no heat in the time measure dialog. V 2017-10-19 "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" The name of the camera since version V was not anymore written at program start to the status bar. Solved. V 2017-10-18 "OPTIc3" In the time measure dialog, now the free available disk space is also shown in the status bar similar as it is done in OPTIc2.NET. "OPTIc3-DISCOVERY" The used discovery ports are closed automatically after 2 seconds. "OPTIc3-LOGFILE" New entries are written to the log file. The button "List ATL files" is now also running in the dialog "LogFile-View" for OPTIc3. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" A TED or wireless corrected start time was not written back to the OPTIc3 camera. Solved. "IMAGE-VIEWS" For the zooming function the calculation of the coordinates is changed to floating point. "CORRECTIONS" A possible 'NullReferenceException' in the image-server is now caught at a deeper level. V 2017-27-09 "OPTIc3-RECONNECT" When a Websocket disconnect event occurred an automatic reconnecting of the just used camera is started. "OPTIc3-DISCOVERY" If a OPTIc3 camera is removed from the network, it will also be removed from the camera list. V 2017-09-25 "OPTIc3-DISCOVERY" If an OPTIc3 camera is already used in the same network, the camera discovery does recognize this and does mark this camera as used in the camera list. For this new functionality the using of the Q7 software version V0.31c-20170914160634 is mandatory. "SOFTWARE-UPDATE" Under help is a new menu item for doing a software update. "CORRECTIONS-WTN" After switching to another camera the WTN initialization process were not started again. Solved. V 2017-09-11 "DATABASE" The saving of a meet database to the disk, is now replaced to a different task. The result is a much better response of the user interface. "TIME-CURSOR" Unnecessary repainting calls during the recording for the time cursor are now eliminated. V 2017-09-06 "OPTIc3" The commando responses from the timer module are now observed and a possible timeout is reported by a message box. "EXCEL-HEAT-LIST-EXPORT" The heat list title name is now used as a proposal for the excel export file name. "CORRECTIONS" If in the meet browser a new heat were inserted, the blue selection bar in the meet tree did not jump to the last inserted node. A following changing of the heat name in the text field did not change the right heat. Solved. "CORRECTIONS" A possible 'NullReferenceException' in the printer module is caught. The printer design dialog has left a memory leak after closing. Solved. V 2017-08-31 "IMAGE-VIEWS" With the camera setting “coming from left” the evaluation images are now aligned to the right picture box border and they are growing from the right side to the left side. "IMAGE-SERVERS" The reloading of the evaluation images is implemented partially new by using new algorithms and other operating system’s functions. The result is a much quicker overall image response. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" When switching to time of day and then a not started heat is loaded in the time measure dialog, then switching back to run time, this heat has taken a previous used but for this heat a wrong start time. Solved. "CORRECTIONS" The printer selection dialog has left a memory leak after closing. Solved. V 2017-07-15 "OPTIc3" If a camera switching is in progress, the camera name in the title bar is set to "n/a" and will be shown after a new connection is established. Before a connection to an OPTIc3 camera will be established a status value is read back which tells if there is already a connection to another PC. If so a messages box appears, informing the user that there is already another connection. The Gamma correction is now also in the 'line scan mode' available. From the OPTIc3 camera Q7 software version 'V0.30y-20170709180623' the exposure time is set to its maximum value if 'AutoGain' is deactivated. In the toolbar of the 'time measure dialog' is a new button "Winner time to DLINE". If this is button is activated then the stopped DLINE time is replaced by the evaluated winner time. After a connection with the IDCam software an actual time synchronization packet is sent. The minimum width for the field Wi-Fi (wireless local area networking) password is defined. New logging messages from the timer module are written to the PC logfile. "CORRECTIONS" The text input cursor in the “Meet browser” did not always jump forward with the TAB key to the next text field. Solved. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" When switching to time of day and then closing all heats in the 'time measure dialog' after then switching back to running time, then was the running time displayed of the last heat on the DLINE. Solved. V 2017-06-28 Internal test version. V 2017-06-28 "OPTIc3" The Wi-Fi (wireless local area networking) password of a camera can now be changed in the camera list. The length of the password should be between 8 and 15 characters. The timing channels C0 and C1 can now be disabled in the status bar. V 2017-06-19 "OPTIc3" The camera dialog is now redesigned. "PRINTING-MODUL" The invocation of the PDF reader in the printing modul, is now done in an asynchronous process. "IMAGE-VIEWS" The image coverage of the selected cutting zone is now also taken into account. "CORRECTIONS" After calling "Erase all evaluation times" the evaluation lines were sometimes not painted correctly after a following evaluation. Solved. V 2017-06-14 "OPTIc3" A new modal dialog is now available for the time synchronization with the camera. The actual setting of "AutoGain" is now saved during the opening of the camera preview window. V 2017-06-08 "PRINTING-MODUL" After the creation of a PDF document a "Garbage collection" is started for cleaning up the memory. "CORRECTIONS" In the excel import dialog the aliases for the header titles were not used. Solved. V 2017-06-02 "CORRECTIONS" Sometimes the evaluation lines were not painted correctly especially under small zoom factors. Solved. "OPTIc2-CORRECTIONS" If during the 'lines after' state a new recording impulse does occur, the state machine jumps immediately to the 'lines before' state. V 2017-05-17 "OPTIc3" The VoIP (Voice over IP) to the camera is now available. "IMAGE-VIEW" With the setting “Show always the new recording in view” on, the actual computer load is taken into account for the image refreshing rate. "PRINTING-MODUL" For sports "track and field" the column “Lane” is now added as a default column to the particular printing list. "MEET-IMPORT" An imported meet can be selected for recording. This is only possible for the same OPTIc generation number. (OPTIc2 to OPTIc2, OPTIc3 to OPTIc3) "CORRECTIONS" The state machine for “Image cropping” could sometimes not reach the end state and then unwanted image parts were shown. Solved. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" The parameters "Lower Pixel" and "Upper Pixel" need to be changed for the "Motion Detection". Only in the case for an OPTIc3 installation the calculation for the required disk space for a meet export was not accurate. Solved. V 2017-04-20 "OPTIc3" The direction for the motor zoom buttons "Far" and "Near" are exchanged. V 2017-04-19 "ATL-LIBRARY" The import function uses only the field "HeatName" for naming a heat. V 2017-04-12 "ATL-LIBRARY" After a false start, the erased anemometer value is now forwarded immediately to the ATL library. V 2017-04-05 "TIMING-DIALOG" If a heat is not started, an occurring C1-Impulse is not given out to the display board. V 2017-03-31 "TIMING-DIALOG" The text field for the anemometer value is now editable before the measurement. "ATL-LIBRARY" There are some additional methods for the data exchange. V 2017-03-30 "TIMING-DIALOG" A new button is added for a data exchange to the video wall. A new measurement from the anemometer is forwarded to the video wall. "OPTIc3" The anemometer connected over a Timy, is now also available for OPTIc3. V 2017-03-28 "HEAT-LISTE-VIEW" Two new buttons are added for a data exchange to the video wall. "LANE-SETTINGS" If the lane positions were changed in the recording meet the new settings will overwrite the lane settings in the prepared heats. V 2017-03-22 "IMAGE-VIEWS" With the setting “Show always the new recording in view” turned on, the image refresh rate is reduced under heavy CPU load for reducing the memory consumption. "OPTIc3" With the setting “Motion detection impulse to display board” the virtual impulses can be given to the display board. There are now new entry fields for setting the desired picture range for the "Motion Detection". The display field for the line scan rate does now take also into account the state of the “Line rate doubling”. The function keys F7 and F8 are now checked cyclic while the recording state is active. V 2017-03-15 "OPTIc3" Logging of the WTN response commands. V 2017-03-14 "OPTIc3" The Motion Detection is now available. V 2017-03-14 "OPTIc3-KORREKTUREN" After changing the WTN team sending again the command "PropagateSettings". V 2017-03-11 "IMAGE-VIEWS" The menu items “Import lane setting to prepared heats”, “Import lane setting” and “Export lane setting” are now eliminated und replaced with automatic functions. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" After sending DelayTime over WTN a waiting time is added now. "LOGFILE" By working with the time measure dialog the are now additional entries in the log file. "CORRECTION" The lane with the highest number could not be moved anymore when it was in the maximum position. This was only in the descending mode. Solved. V 2017-03-04 "OPTIc3" The actual prevalent WTN settings are now propagated over the WTN network. V 2017-03-03 "OPTIc3" A manual stop impulse is generated with the function key F7 and forwarded to the timer module. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" After turning on the WTN module the required setup time is waited and after then the initialization sequence is executed. V 2017-02-28 "OPTIc3" The WTN module can now be activated in the camera dialog. V 2017-02-22 "OPTIc3" The camera software versions and the hardware version can be shown under ’Help’ in the device list. "OPTIc3- CORRECTIONS" If the computer is connected over WLAN to a private network and the OPTIc3 camera is there connected with a network cable, a working connection can now be established to the camera. A new preview interval is now set during the switching of a camera in the ’Preview-Rec mode’. The thread terminating for the image capturing, is now done outside the working loop. V 2017-02-16 "OPTIc3" The current state of the time synchronization is now read out while starting the pc program. After a camera discovery the required ports are closed. Some redesign of the camera dialog. "CORRECTION" The stored state of the button "C0 radio start over TED/WTN" was set correctly on the screen but not used correctly internally. Solved. V 2017-02-14 "OPTIc3" An automatic iris control can now be activated. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" It was not possible to adjust the positions of the lanes over the full vertical range. Solved. "CORRECTIONS" If during the recording phase a new lines before event occurs which does superimpose a running recording, a new lines before phase is started. V 2017-02-10 "OPTIc3" New buttons for the auto focus control are now available in the preview window. The camera output for the D-Line (Display board) is now functional. An auto gain function is now available in the line scan mode. V 2017-01-31 "IMAGE-VIEWS" The minimum number of lanes is now set to 2. "OPTIc2" Repeating and always the same occurring IEEE1394 log messages are now suppressed, after reaching a maximum recurrence value. "OPTIc3" While switching to another camera the new IP-address is only shown in the text field if the user has confirmed the switching. "CORRECTIONS" If during the lines after phase in the recording a new recording condition does trigger the lines before counter is reset. V 2017-01-27 "OPTIc3" If there are any heats in the time measure container and the user wants to open the camera preview window, a message box appears which tells that this is not allowed. While the program is starting up and detects an existing connection to the same camera with another computer, a message box appears and does inform about this condition. "OPTIc3-CORRECTIONS" After closing the camera preview window the image interval is reset to its correct value. V 2017-01-25 "OPTIc3" A preview recording mode implemented for reducing the average data rate from the camera to the PC. The PC standby mode is now suppressed by an internal function. No more creating default registry keys for OPTIc2, as a running OPTIc3 application. V 2017-01-14 "OPTIc3" The button for "White balance" is now also in the line mode active. When the camera is connected over a WLAN Adapter, the camera IP-address is set to "". "CORRECTIONS" When using an OCD2 device, sometimes a record impulse could have been insert with a delay in the image recording stream. Solved. V 2016-12-28 "OPTIc3" At program start an automatic connecting to the last used camera is done. When opening the preview window an automatic switch to the full frame mode is done and when it will be closed, a switch back to the line scan mode is done. The control for the display board connected to the camera is prepared. V 2016-12-15 "OPTIc3" The adjustable finish line can now be moved with the arrow keys in the preview window. The zoom factor and the activation of the finish line are now stored. "LOGFILE-VIEW" The visual style of this dialog is changed to "Microsoft Office 2013". V 2016-12-10 "OPTIc3" Line scan rate editor changed to MaskedEdit and the last two digits locked to zero. In the camera preview window the surrounding rectangle of the picture box deactivated. V 2016-12-07 "OPTIc3" Insert a new camera preview window for the adjustment of the camera finish line. V 2016-11-29 "SYSTEM" Method "SetProcessDPIAware()" at program start called, for a correct scaling with high DPI values. V 2016-11-25 "HORSE-RACE" The margins for the sports type "Horse race Austalia" is changed to the the newest definition. V 2016-11-23 "OPTIc3" New spash screen for the OPTIc3 camera. The camera name in the camera list is now editable. The field for the camera IP-address has now a minimal size. A found camera in the network is only listed once in the camera list. "BRIGHTNESS-CONTRAST-GAMMA-DIALOG" AutoScaleMode set to Font. V 2016-11-08 "OPTIc3" The constant for the vertical image resolution has been eliminated. V 2016-11-04 "HEAT-LIST" The calculation of the finish time after a manually entered start time and also a manually entered run time, was wrong. Solved. V 2016-09-29 "PRINT-MODUL" Before printing an image the PC RAM compacted. "SYSTEM-OPTIc2" The depth of the software recording FIFO increased. V 2016-07-20 "MEET-BROWSER" After switching the active heat in the meet browser tree view an update message to the image views windows sent. V 2016-07-19 "OCD2-COMMUNICATION" When working with the OCD2 sometimes after a program start it took a long time that the OCD2 showed its readiness in the status bar by painting the green background color. Now this "get ready time" is shorter. "CORRECTIONS" When a heat was loaded in the time measure dialog and the image recording was activated by clicking the camera recording button, sometimes the correct image start position was not captured immediately and therefore the very first lines were not visible for this heat. Solved. V 2016-06-10 "HINT-FOR-32Bit-WINDOWS" If you are using a 32 Bit Windows it is highly recommended activating the 3GB addressing switch. If you are using a 64 Bit Windows there is nothing to do. "TIMING-DIALOG" A running anemometer measuring will be canceled immediately after executing a false start. "CORRECTIONS" Corrections of some header text items in the transponder mapping dialog. V 2016-05-23 "PRINT-DESIGN-DIALOG" The user can now choose with a check mark if between event and heat a line feed should be inserted for printing. V 2016-05-18 "CORRECTIONS" The disqualification reasons were after a switching of their alias texts not immediately synchronized with the ATL export module. Solved. V 2016-05-13 "CORRECTIONS" If the main window was minimized and after then restored, the loaded heats in the time measure dialog were getting closed. Solved. V 2016-05-12 "MAIN-MENU" There are three additional columns for overwriting the text for the list headers. "LANGUAGES" The language Hungarian is now available. "LOGFILE-DIALOG" A new text display window is now used which has now the capability for text interchanging to the clipboard. The commands 'Clear the list' und 'List ATL files' are now available over the toolbar. V 2016-04-28 Internal test version. V 2016-04-22 "CORRECTIONS" If the OCD2 device is used and the checkmark 'Show this dialog at program start' was activated, then the dialog 'Synchronize time of day' was shown too early, before the OCD2 did completely initialize. Solved. V 2016-03-08 "MAIN-MENU" The user name for a camera is shown listed under help in the device grid in the 'Software' 'Additional' field. "STATUSBAR" The available OPTIc2 cameras are now painted with a yellow background. Only the activated camera which delivers the image data stream is painted with a green background. "ATL-LIBRARY" The device 'TagHeuer_DecoderChronelec' is now also a source for transponder impulses. "CORRECTIONS" The data rate for the commandos to the OPTIc2 cameras is now reduced for avoiding a too high load in the messages queues. Especially on fast machines, for example an 'Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4710MQ CPU @ 2.50GHz with 4 cores' a too high data load was observable. V 2016-02-29 Internal test version. V 2016-02-26 "TIMING-DIALOG" For the display board we do have a new automatic mode. In the field for the running time there is a new state button for choosing the different modes. 1) Normal mode: The display board stops after a recording impulse and holds the stopping time until the user clicks in the header area of the display field. 2) Automatic mode: The behavior is very similar with the feature that after a stopping an automatic hold time is triggered and if this hold time is down counted, the display field goes back to a running time. 3) Continuous mode: The display board does not hold after a recording impulse. V 2016-02-12 "STATUSBAR" An additional camera is shown in the status bar with the user name. The status bar symbol “Timy” is renamed to “TyWind” and is only shown if a connection over Timy to the anemometer WS2 is tried to establish. V 2016-02-08 "MAIN-MENU" An additional camera is listed under help in the device grid. V 2016-02-04 "CAMERA-DIALOG" An additional camera is now listed into a combo box in the upper left corner. The name of the camera can be changed by the user in the edit field. Before beginning a competition the required camera has to be selected and this one delivers the image data for the recording. "CORRECTIONS" The delta time and the difference time are now calculated from the rounded run times. V 2016-01-26 Internal test version. V 2015-12-21 "LOGFILE" Some important data from the computer´s IEEE1394 Hostcontroller is now written to the logfile. ------------------ IEEE1394 Hostcontroller[1] ------------------ Caption = OHCI-conform 1394-Hostcontroller ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0 DeviceID = PCI\VEN_104C&DEV_8020&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\4&2D87D632&0&10F0 Service = 1394ohci Status = OK V 2015-11-26 "ATL-LIBRARY" The device "dbnetsoft_TransponderManager" is now also a source for impulses. V 2015-11-13 "CORRECTIONS" For moving the image in the evaluation view the combination of right "Alt Gr" key pressed down and “left mouse button” pressed down, has to be used. The left "Alt" key can’t be used for that. V 2015-10-14 "HEAT-LIST" According to the new rules for the competition types "Horse race – Australia" and "Trotting race – Australia" the horse margin (aka. "Horse unit") "dead heat" will only be given, if two horses do have exactly the same run time. For these two Australian competition types the text "Winner", which was written before to the columns "Horse units" and "Aus. delta", is now left away. V 12-10-2015 Internal test version. V 2015-10-08 "HEAT-LIST" The row "Australian_delta" is calculated with a new method and is now user editable. V 2015-10-07 Internal test version. V 2015-10-07 "CORRECTIONS" Precondition: A meet was recorded with the camera setting “Coming from right” and then an image cropping is done at the very right side of the image view window. Symptom: If the red selection zone is dragged over the real right image position or the right border of the image view window the image cropping has cut away wrong parts of the image. Solved. V 2015-10-06 "PRINTING-MODUL" After the qualified competitors the disqualified competitors are listed afterwards a linefeed in sorted order. Inside the text field “sports specific text” are now only done necessary linefeeds. There is now a new selection for printing the classes of a results list. The user can select all classes together or only one of the occurring classes in the given heat. There is now also the possibility for choosing between a linefeed or a formfeed afterwards the next class. The footer is redesigned and has a new text field on the right side. The screen window positions for the print selection dialog and the print design dialog are now stored permanently. "HEAT-LIST" The header cell of a column is painted in light blue if this column is chosen for sorting. During the evaluation process the heat list is sorted after every new entry. The disqualified competitors are sorted behind the qualified competitors. The tool buttons of the heat list have been redesigned. There is now a pop up menu for the insert operation and another pop up menu for the deleting operations. Some new deleting operations are now available. With a right click in a header cell the underlying data of this column can be erased over a context menu. The possible export operations from the ATL-Module (ATL = Advanced Timing Library) can now be pushed separate over a new pop up menu. Only the activated export operations are visible in this pop up menu. The calculation of the margins for “Australian Harness Racing” has been rewritten according their rules. In the column "Horse_units" are the margins related to the winner and in column "Australian_delta" are the margins related to their predecessors. "MEET-BROWSER" The scrollbars are now shown automatically if the visible space for the fields is too small. There is a new text field “Meet name printed” which will be used in the title area of the printing document. If this field remains empty then the normal “Meet name” will be taken for printing. "MAIN-MENU" The overall visual style is changed to "Microsoft Office 2013". An USB license file can be downloaded over the internet. The evaluations lines can be switched on or off. "IMAGE-VIEWS" Unnecessary parts of the recorded image can be cropped away. For the image export the file format JPEG can now also be selected. "CORRECTIONS" The virtual stop time impulses in the “Impulse Log” list recorded with the OCD2 device could have been inaccurate. Solved. After deleting a complete event a heat in another event could also have been deleted. Solved. The entry for the distance in meter is now for every entry possibility 10 digits. V 2015-07-21 "IDCAM-REMOTE-CONTROL" SHIFT + moving the mouse cursor in the left or right direction shifts the image in the IDCam software for one image forward or backward. STRG + moving the mouse cursor in vertical or horizontal direction does move the image in the IDCam software in the same manner. The same functionality is also available with the four arrow keys. STRG + wheeling the mouse wheel does zoom the IDCam software image. You can also zoom with the keys STRG and “+/-“. With the key STRG and “0“ the normal size is set. This new functions are only available with the IDCam software date from 2015-07-08 or above. Attention: The moving of an internal image in the OPTIc2Net is changed from the SHIFT key to the ALTGr key, for avoiding any unintended moving of the IDCam image. An IDCam image record command is now protocolled in the "OPTIc2Net_LogFile.txt": xx.0x.2015 13:36:38; DbATLibrary info: IDCam StartRec: 13:36:24.3237 xx.0x.2015 13:36:38; DbATLibrary info: IDCam Stop_Rec: 13:36:24.5516 "STATUS-BAR" They can now be activated or deactivated in the status bar for the camera and also for the OCD2 device. If a given channel is in high signal state, it can be seen by a changing of the background color. The line camera frequency and the anemometer are shown in the status bar. If you use the anemometer over the timy device the timy software version should be V 15.74 or above. "PRINT-DESIGN-DIALOG" The first name and the surname are now also available for the printing. In the past there was only a summary column “Name” which is a combination of first name and surname. "PRINT-SELECTION-DIALOG" There is a new sorting order “As heat list” available, which follows the same sorting order as it can be seen in the heat list on the screen. "ATL-EXPORT-IMPORT-MODUL" The order for the exported data rows follows now the order in the heat list on the screen. The OPTI-XML-Interchange format (OPTIc2NET XML Specification.pdf) has now some additional parameters. "ATL-LIBRARY" In the Logfile-View is a new button for listing the loaded ATL-DLLs by dates and versions. "LANGUAGES" The language Russian is now available. "CORRECTIONS" A saved screen layout, which has internally stored the style “Floating” could raise an exception if it was imported later as a screen layout. Solved. V 2015-05-27 "IMAGE-VIEW" If one image view has gained the input focus, the text in the own title bar is painted in dark blue color. Now it can be easily seen, to which image view the content of the run time window belongs to. Now a y-position offset can be given for watching the synchronous image content in the other views. Especially for track and field this can be very helpful, because the y-position of the track doesn’t match in general with the y-position of the competitor’s body. There are now additional zooming factors available. "IDCAM" A time of day from OPTIc2Net is only sent to the IDCam software by double clicking in one of the image views. For moving an image remotely forward or backward (in the IDCam software) the page down/up keys can be used. "TRACK-AND-FIELD" New predefined distances for 600m and 1000m are added. The text for the distances can now be edited. "MEET-BROWSER" The text fields are now under the titles. "SCREEN-LAYOUTS" Now there are sports specific screen layouts used with the extension "*.systemscreenlayout". After creating a new meet the corresponding screen layout will be taken by the program as a screen pattern. "CORRECTIONS" The recording meet does now check if the camera preview window is visible while starting the program or importing a screen layout. V 2015-04-28 "TRANSPONDER-IMPULSE-SIMULATION" You can simulate transponder impulses for testing purposes. For doing so, set in the ATL-Settings 'Timing: Device = Alge_Timy_Stopwatch und Enabled = true' V 2015-04-27 "HEAT-LIST" After switching to another heat the sorted column will be stored for the new heat. "HORSE-RACE" The time for a horse unit can now be entered by the user over the main menu. You can do a measurement with to evaluation lines and then reading out the delta time in the heat list. V 2015-04-22 Internal test version. V 2015-04-21 "CORRECTIONS" After a disconnecting and a new connecting of the USB cable the data transport was not always established correctly to the Timy. V 2015-04-18 "HINT-FOR-32Bit-WINDOWS" If you are using a 32 Bit Windows it is highly recommended activating the 3GB addressing switch. If you are using a 64 Bit Windows there is nothing to do. "CORRECTIONS" While printing to a PDF in class mode, one competitor in a particular class did not get printed. Solved. When using the OCD2 box, a recording was running in the background, despite the camera was deactivated in the time measure dialog. Solved. V 2015-04-14 "MEET-IMPORT" When using the legacy import you can now select more heats in the file select dialog and import them all together. "CORRECTIONS" The exporting of the wind measured value did not work, if the decimal separator for the particular culture was a '.' (point) instead of a ',' (comma). Solved. After importing a meet the date in the session was not showed correctly under the culture setting English USA. Solved. V 2015-04-14 Internal test version. V 2015-04-xx "HEAT-LIST" Transponder times can now be moved in the same row by 'drag and drop' to the finish time cell. V 2015-04-09 "MEET-EXPORT" Additional internal data are written to the export module. V 2015-04-01 "MEET-HEAT-IMPORT" The different import type are not anymore preselected in the context menu. They are now selected directly in the file open dialog. V 2015-04-01 Internal test version. V 2015-03-31 "PRINT-DESIGN-DIALOG" This dialog can now be closed with the ESC-Key. "MEET-BROWSER" An insert of a session, event and a heat can now also done in the overlying knot of the meet tree. V 2015-03-26 "CORRECTIONS TIME-MEASURE-DIALOG" A stop impulse immediately after a start impulse did not set the label over the run time to the stopped state (red). Solved. If a recording was only triggered with F8, the background color of the given heat did not change to orange color which indicates a recording state. Solved. The input channels can now also be simulated with function keys. F5 for a start impulse, F6 for an intermediate impulse and F7 for a stop impulse. "CORRECTIONS" After importing a screen layout the new state for the visibility of the docking windows were not reflected to the main menu. Solved. V 2015-03-23 "TRANSPONDER-DIALOG" The transponder mapping list can be s exported and imported as an excel worksheet. The first column is the transponder code and the second is the BIB. "HEAT-LIST" The columns ‘JumpTo’ and ‘Active’ are now suppressed in the exported excel worksheet. V 2015-03-18 "SYSTEM" A new added image buffer can compensate transponder impulses with a delay time of a few seconds. V 2015-03-11 "ATL-LIBRARY" The Timy-UART-event is available after activating. V 2015-03-10 "HEAT-LIST" The cells of the new column ‘Transponder’ do have underlying lists of transponder times, which have all the same BIB. V 2015-02-23 "TRANSPONDER-IMPULSE" External transponder impulses are assigned to the best matching image line and after then they can trigger an image recording. "LANGUAGES" Swedish is now available. "CORRECTIONS" After iconizing the time measure dialog and restoring it by clicking in the meet tree the time measure dialog was not correct resized in the width. Solved. V 2015-01-27 "BIB-DIALOG" After showing the BIB dialog, the keyboard input focus is set to the BIB edit field. V 2015-01-15 "SETTINGS-HEAT-LIST" The disqualification reasons for the heat and the printing list can now be overwritten with two different alias rows. This can be done in the main menu under “Setup” -> “Heatlist”. The setting of the buttons for the alias rows are system wide always the same. "PRINT-MODUL" Competitors without a run time are not listed anymore in the result list of the print PDF. "SYSTEM" The settings for "IsoFramesPerBuffer" und "IsoNumberOfBuffers" are now in the file CameraDataBase_Regular.xcam as parameter listed. "CORRECTIONS " Sometimes the actual start time was not shown in the print PDF. Solved. V 2014-12-19 "PRINT-DESIGN-DIALOG" The block of the meeting data can now be switched on or off with a checkbox. Now printing list layouts can be saved and loaded. "SETTINGS-HEAT-LIST" The titels of the list headers for the heat and the printing list can now be overwritten with two different alias rows. This can be done in the main menu under “Setup” -> “Heatlist”. "HEAT-LIST" On the “Distance” header cell a new distance can be given with a context menu. This new given distance is then associated with all underlying rows from a parent class. "CORRECTIONS" After an exequo-time no more evaluation lines were printed in the PDF-sheet. Solved. For an exequo-time in the heat list no horse units were written. Solved. V 2014-11-29 "HEAT-LIST" Now the missing laps are also taken into account in the ranking process. The column “Group” is renamed to “Class”. The old column “Class” is deleted. While entering a manual time in the heat list any still missing numbers are filled up with zeros when pressing enter. A manual start time can be entered over a context menu for any particular class. For doing so, the heat list must be switched into the class mode before. Now there is a new row “Delta” which means the time delay to the respective predecessor. The old row “Delta” is renamed to “Difference” and is the time difference to the winner. "BIB-DIALOG" After entering a BIB number the most likely class will be recommended. "EXCEL-IMPORT" The import of classes is now possible and they can be used for the class mode. "CORRECTIONS" If a part of the IDCam IP-address in the dialog was exactly “100” this number was cut down to “10” by storing it to the underlying module. Solved. V 2014-10-27 "INFO-MODUL" Minimum OPTIc2 camera software version set to 10.A2. Minimum OCD2 software version set to 10.A2. V 2014-10-23 "DISPLAY-BOARD" The stopping of the running time on the display board can now be switched on or off over a new button in the Timing-Dialog. The display board is connected over the camera or the OCD2. "TIMING-DIALOG" The selected and in the views visible heat shows now a yellow header in the timing-dialog. "TRACK-AND-FIELD" In the evaluation mode "track and field" is now the possibility to enter either BIB numbers or lane numbers. "EVALUATION-BY-LANE" The separator cursor, which is showed while adjusting the lane positions, is now captured after clicking the left mouse button and stays also valid when leaving the lane settings area. "LANGUAGES" The language Spain is now available. "OCD2-SETTINGS" The hold time of the anemometer result on the display board can now be set. "MEET/HEAT-IMPORT" An import of meets or heats can now be done over the context menu of the meet browser tree. The possible import types can be selected also over the context menu. "CYCLING" The calculation of the "cycle-time" in the heat list is now available. The setting for the "cycle-time" can be done over the main menu "Setup" in the group other settings. "LOGFILE" Some important data of the executing machine is now written to the Log file. CPU = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 750 @ 2.67GHz with 4 cores RAM = 12580876 [Bytes] OS visible memory OS = Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-Bit Ver = 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Name = USER-PC Lang = 1031 country code = 43 "CORRECTIONS" The settings in the camera dialog were not always permanently saved. Solved. The priority of the image recording task is now increased, this brings a better responsivity of the user interface. V 2014-09-22 "MEET-BROWSER" Sessions, events and heats can be inserted now in the meet-browser-tree on the same hierarchy level over the context menu. The insert position is always under the selected node. Now it is also possible to insert more heats with only one menu item click. "TRACK-AND-FIELD" The settings and positions of the lanes in a heat can now be global exported or imported. Further there is the possibility to assign to all prepared heats which do not have any image recording, the stored global lanes. "CREATE-A-NEW-MEET" The buttons "OK" and "Cancel" are now in the language translation file. "LANGUAGES" The languages Norwegian and Dutch are now available. "IDCAM" If the IDCam software was started after the OPTIc2Net software, a postponed day time synchronisation was not done. Solved. "CORRECTIONS" A meet import direct from a root directory (example c:\) did not work right. Solved. During a meet import on a new installed computer the error message "You have not enough free disk space an this drive!", occurred which was not true. Solved. The progress bar in the meet import dialog was not accurate. Solved. The opening of the user manual over the menu bar was not implemented. Solved. The dalta time in the heat list was not alwasys updated. Solved. V 2014-08-26 "HEAT-LIST-LAYOUTS" The layout of the heat lists can now be saved and loaded. The user layouts do have the extension "*.userlistlayout". Now there are also sports specific layouts which do have the extension "*.systemlistlayout". After the creation of a new meet one of the sports specific layouts will be taken according to the chosen sports selection. Default_Cycling.systemlistlayout Default_DogRace.systemlistlayout Default_General.systemlistlayout Default_HorseRace.systemlistlayout Default_RowingOrCanu.systemlistlayout Default_TrackAndField.systemlistlayout "SCREEN-LAYOUTS" The import and export for the screen can now be done over the menu under the tab setup. "CORRECTIONS" When switching to black and white in the view2 or overview a "System.NullReferenceException" was thrown. By clicking the button "continue" the program did normally continue. Solved. V 2014-07-24 "FIRST RELEASE"